ASIE Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The confidential income and expense data collected in the ASIE is used to improve assessed values of all properties similar to yours. Your ASIE income and expense data is never used directly to value your property. Your data is added to all the data collected from the ASIE plus the data the Department of Assessment maintains on the physical attributes of all commercial properties to enrich statistical studies used to value all types of commercial property across Nassau County.
YES. 100% owner occupied properties are not exempt from filing the ASIE; however, you will not be asked any questions about your income or your expenses.
Properties change hands, owner occupants become landlords. If your property were to become occupied by someone other than the owner, we need to know that and collect the income and expense to add to our database.
Use the "Forgot Password" tool on the ASIE login page. On the forgot password screen you'll be asked to supply the email address you started your account with. You will receive an e-mail with a link to re-set your password. If you didn't receive the reset password in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
Yes, you will need to file under the ASIE year you were doing construction during that time. During filing, you will come across a checkbox: "Properties that were UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND NOT LEASED IN..." This will bring you straight to the certification page.
Yes, you must file for ASIE regardless of the profitability of the commercial property.
Yes. We won't ask you about your income and expense but, the sale date and sale price is important to us. After you supply that information and any change of mailing address you will be asked to certify your statements and that's it.
Yes. Vacancy data is very important when building statistical models to assess commercial real estate. Be sure to indicate your vacancy in the appropriate field.
This is analogous to depreciation of equipment on a tax return. For the purposes of the ASIE reserves for replacement represents the amortized cost of short-lived building components that will wear out before the building, for example: a new roof, resurfacing a parking lot, replacement of HVAC systems, upgrading network connectivity. If you replaced a roof for $20,000, and you anticipate it has a 15-year life, then 20,000 divided 15 = $1,333 (rounded) is the figure you 'd put in the reserves for replacement. Try to remember that figure for use in future ASIEs. Do not include painting, tape and spackle, changing of locks, new light fixtures, or any routine maintenance items in the reserve for replacement.
Your mortgage expense is the product of negotiation between you and your lender. It is not a reflection of your property's ability to earn income, nor is it an expense generated by the condition, location, age, maintenance or quality of the improvements.
A contiguous lot is a lot adjacent or in proximity to the Primary Lot you started your filing with. A contiguous lot is part of the same real estate business entity and possesses an interdependent relationship with the primary lot such that both lots are more valuable because of that relationship. Examples would be: A lot line running through an office building, a retail establishment on one lot, and it's parking lot on an adjacent lot, an industrial building with employee parking on a lot across the street. Please put in all the lots associated with that particular real estate business.
It is rent collected for the use of land under a building built by someone else. Typically, these are long term leases of 99 years. It might also mean rent collected for the use of land for outdoor storage.
Simply log in to the previous year's website using your email and password. Click My Account, go to my ASIE filings. Click on the View icon next to the filing you wish to copy (print). In the top center click the Generate PDF button. Print the PDF.
You are required by law to file the ASIE every year.
Yes, since the 2015 ASIE, owners of specialty properties have been able to file online.
No, in order for the data we collect to be usable it must be categorized as it is laid out on the ASIE form. ASIE law 6-30 states the county can only accept ASIE on county issued form and format.
Yes. Log in to your account. Click MY ACCOUNT. Click on My ASIE Filing(s). Click on the icon in the View column and continue your filing.
Sure, click on the View Completed Filing link. Then click on the Recall ASIE button.

This is to let you know that by recalling your filing you are resetting your submission date; meaning if you were to edit your filing after the deadline date then that filing would be deemed un-timely and out of compliance, so use this for only serious changes. If you are making edits before the deadline click the Recall ASIE Filing. Then go to Continue a Filing and make your edit and Certify.
Contract services are expenses incurred when employing outside service vendors retained for the maintenance of the real property on an annual basis. Contract services typically include, but are not limited to:
  • Landscaping
  • Garbage Removal
  • Snow Removal
  • Exterminator
  • Maintenance of Sprinkler / Fire Suppression systems
  • Maintenance of HVAC systems
  • Office Cleaning
  • Window Washing
  • Plumbing
If you were not owner occupied, under construction, or your property wasn't bought (or sold) in the calendar year of the survey OR you have more than one tenant you must file a Commercial Tenant Inventory. You will be brought to a page after certifying your filing.

There you can enter a commercial tenant inventory, upload a digital file of your rent roll or download a .pdf to be uploaded when complete.
No your login credentials from previous ASIE years will work for ASIE
Please note that the April 1, 2025 filing deadline is final.
You will be prompted to either upload your existing Rent Rolls or fill in the appropriate data on the County form at the end of the application process.

You can access a blank form fillable PDF here: Commercial Tenant Inventory Fillable.
Started ASIE filings are accessible only to registered users. If you are from an organization please check to see if anyone else in your organization has started an ASIE for the parcel in question. You will need the log on information of the person who started/completed the filing to view/edit it.

Lease Types

A triple net lease (NNN) is a lease agreement on a property whereby the tenant or lessee promises to pay all the expenses of the property, including real estate taxes, building insurance, and maintenance. These expenses are in addition to the cost of rent and utilities.
A Gross lease is a lease agreement whereby the landlord or lessor agrees to pay all the expenses of the property.
A land lease is a lease agreement where the landlord or lessor rents only the land. These are typically long-term leases, and the tenant constructs an improvement upon the land. At the termination of the agreement the landlord takes possession of the improvements. All expenses associated with the real estate are the responsibility of the tenant.
Double Net and Net leases are lease agreements on a property, somewhere between triple net and gross leases. Tenants, or lessee, agree to pay one or more of the following: real estate taxes, building insurance, and maintenance. The remaining expense(s) the tenant doesn't pay is the responsibility of the landlord, or Lessor. The tenant is still responsible for the cost of rent and utilities.