Safer Grant Scholarship Application: Administrative Guide
Instructions: Please review the information below before proceeding.
Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response "S.A.F.E.R." Tuition Assistance Program Administrative Guide

Contact Information Refer all questions as follows:
Nassau County Office of Emergency Management510 Grumman Road West
Bethpage, NY 11714
Attn: Kenneth Ryan
Phone: (516) 573-9657
"SAFER" Grant Administrative Guide
I. | Introduction |
II. | Acknowledgments |
III. | Process Steps |
IV. | Financial Management |
V. | Scholarship Selection Criteria |
VI. | Scholarship Renewal Criteria |
VII. | Service Obligation |
VIII. | Financial Obligation |
IX. | Notification |
X. | Program Monitoring |
Appendix 'A' | Eligible Emergency Services Agencies |
Appendix 'B' | NCC Refund Committee Appeal Procedure |
Note: All applicable local, state or federal laws and regulations shall supersede the procedures and conditions outlined in this administrative guide. These guidelines are subject to change without notice.
I. Introduction
- In most areas of Nassau County, it is volunteers who respond to fire, rescue, and emergency medical (EMS) emergencies.
- In response to this vital need for volunteers, Nassau County has developed the SAFER Grant program for Recruitment and Retention in the VolunteerEmergency Services. The SAFER Grant is an incentive for people to serve in the volunteer emergency services.
- The SAFER Grant tuition assistance program was developed as a way to recruit and retain volunteers in response to a critical need identified by our county's volunteer fire departments and emergency medical services providers.
- This program will allow volunteer Fire Fighters and volunteer Fire Department EMS to attain eighty credit hours from Nassau Community College (NCC). In order to ensure that the program is cost-effective; it will be reviewed on a semester-by-semester basis.
- In addition to ensuring the safety and security of Nassau County communities through national standards such as the National Fire Protection Association, reliable and efficient fire protection also equates to lower fire insurance rates. Keeping fire and EMS service costs low in our communities is an important economic development tool and benefits all.
- Developed by the Office of Emergency Management, this innovative program is available for full and part time students entering NCC.
- Volunteers under the SAFER Grant tuition assistance program will be eligible to have partial tuition paid while maintaining their membership as an active member in good standing in one of Nassau County's volunteer fire companies or volunteer fire department EMS. There is no limitation as to the academic program the SAFER Grant recruit can enter at NCC.
- A SAFER Grant student/volunteer must maintain volunteer activity and training levels and certain academic objectives during their course of study and must commit to a post-education service obligation of two (2) to five (5) years following the receipt of their total SAFER Grant funding.
- This program will have materials printed and supplied countywide by Nassau County's Office of Emergency Management through the volunteer emergency services and through the college recruitment outreach efforts of NCC.
- In addition, NCC will construct and maintain a web page (linked to the FRES web page) that will not only supply information and answer frequently asked questions, but will have the required forms downloadable.
- NCC: Nassau Community College
- OEM: Nassau County Office of Emergency Management
- Sponsoring Agency or Agency: any eligible Nassau County volunteer fire department, volunteer fire company, volunteer fire district, volunteer fire emergency medical squad as listed in Appendix "A" of this manual.
- Chairperson: any person who serves as the highest title in an administrative capacity in an eligible fire district, fire company Chairperson as listed in
- Appendix "A" of this manual.
- Chief: any person who serves as the highest title in a primarily operations capacity in an eligible fire department or fire company as listed in Appendix "A" of this manual.
- Financial Aid: funds awarded to a student for which no reimbursement is required. (Excludes work-study, Stafford Loan, etc.)
II. Acknowledgements
This innovative program is a result of a cooperative and collaborative effort between:
Nassau County Office of Emergency Management
Nassau Community College
III. Process Steps
The Following are the steps intended to process a student candidate through the SAFER Grant program:
- Step 1: A candidate completes membership process (if applicable) and SAFER Grant application and Statement of Eligibility Form – indicating course of study, full or part-time goals, and semester.
- Step 2: Upon obtaining the verification letter from the Sponsoring Agency's Chairperson, the candidate forwards the completed SAFER Grant complete application for the upcoming semester to Nassau County OEM. Nassau OEM will acknowledge each application.
- Step 3: The Student completes NCC admissions process (including placement test) and is accepted for enrollment. The student completes all financial aid forms (i.e. FAFSA and TAP) for consideration of eligibility.
- Step 4: The student/volunteer submits a fully executed SAFER Grant Promissory note that will be provided to each accepted student/volunteer along with a current 2016 SAFER Grant Administrative Guide.
- Step 5: The student/volunteer submits their SAR (Student Aid Report) as proof of submission for financial aid.
- Step 6: After the deadline, Nassau OEM reviews the complete application, verifies costs, verifies financial aid, and decides on a scholarship award. All applicants will be sent a letter of determination approximately 4-6 weeks after the deadline.
- Step 7: The student/volunteer granted the award obtains SAFER Grant confirmation from Nassau OEM and begins a program of study on a part-time or full-time basis. Students not being approved will receive a decision letter.
- Step 8: The student/volunteer and NCC monitors the student's educational progress throughout the entire program. Nassau OEM acts as the clearinghouse to monitor the student's educational and volunteer service progress throughout the entire program.
- Step 9: The student/volunteer begins service commitment period following degree attainment or reaching the SAFER Grant program cap of eighty credit hours (80). See Service Obligation Section VII.
IV. Financial Management
- All funds earmarked for the SAFER Grant shall be maintained by Nassau OEM at all times to ensure available funding for each SAFER Grant participant through this conclusion in the program. The Student Financial Affairs Office of NCC shall manage distributing funds to satisfy the student/volunteers' outstanding balance. At the time of an award letter a NCC deferment of tuition payment will be placed on the student/volunteers' account and shall remain there until such time as tuition is paid by Nassau OEM or the student/volunteer fails to comply with requirements contained with this Administrative Guide.
- Via the SAFER Grant Statement of Eligibility form, the student/volunteer must agree to apply for all other available sources of free financial aid in accordance with the standard Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form (FAFSA), and to use SAFER Grant funds only to supplement any tuition not covered by other sources of free financial aid, and only after other such resources have been exhausted.
- Nassau OEM will issue a confirmation letter to the student to inform them of their award amount. A copy of this letter will be forwarded to the NCC Student Financial Affairs to place a NCC student tuition deferment for the award and reflect any balance due NCC from the student/volunteer.
- Upon receipt of the confirmation letter by NCC, the student's award will be deferred until the total available free financial aid package is determined for the semester covered by the letter.
- The NCC Student Financial Affairs Office and/or the Financial Aid Office will forward an acknowledgement of each SAFER Grant student's financial aid status to Nassau OEM prior to the start of each new semester.
General Coverage: SAFER Grant funds will be applied to tuition for Fall and Spring semesters only.
Full-Time Student: Full-time status is defined as 12 or more credit hours per semester. The total scholarship amount awarded to any full-time student/volunteer under the SAFER Grant program shall not exceed eighty credit hours total (80). No further scholarship funds will be distributed to a student/volunteer once they have received total SAFER Grant funds equivalent to the cost of tuition for 80 credit hours or once they have attained an associate degree – whichever occurs first.
Withdrawal of a Full-Time Student: A full-time student/volunteer who withdraws from any course after the start of instruction in any semester, and as a result of this withdrawal falls below full-time status, will be responsible for immediate reimbursement to Nassau County of all tuition costs incurred for credits withdrawn from based upon the Completion of a promissory note completed each semester. However, a full-time registered student may convert to part-time study prior to the start of instruction in any semester without forfeiture of SAFER Grant Funding. Funding will then be distributed as described under "Part Time" below.
Part-Time Student: Part-time status is defined as fewer than 12 credit hours per semester. The scholarship amount awarded to any part-time student/volunteer under the SAFER Grant program shall be less than the cost of twelve credit hours (12) per semester or eighty credit hours (80) total. No further scholarship funds will be distributed to a student once they have received total SAFER Grant funds equivalent to the cost of eighty credit hours (80) or once they have attained an associate degree – whichever occurs first.
Withdrawal of a Part-Time Student: A part-time student/volunteer, who withdraws from any course after the start of instruction in any semester will be responsible for immediate reimbursement to Nassau County of all tuition costs incurred for credits withdrawn from, based upon the completion of a promissory note completed each semester. However, a part-time registered student/volunteer may convert to full- time study prior to the start of instruction in any semester without forfeiture of SAFER Grant funds. Funding will then be distributed as described under "Full Time" above.
Financial Obligations Following Withdrawal from a Class: Student/Volunteers who withdraw from a class will be subject to the NCC refund policy. This policy is available online through the Nassau OEM webpage. SAFER Grant students have deferred status regarding tuition; therefore any potential refunds will be in the form of a reduction to the tuition expense. The student/volunteer withdrawing from a class will be responsible for any tuition or fees that are not refunded by NCC. Any costs not refunded will be deducted from the student's available SAFER Grant funds for the next semester. In the event that the student/volunteer is not enrolled the following semester, they will be responsible for immediate repayment of these funds to the Nassau County Treasurer.
Forms: The following Forms are attached in Appendix 'B' of this procedural manual:
- Statement of Eligibility Form: Each SAFER candidate shall complete this form every semester he or she wishes to receive tuition assistance via the SAFER grant. This Form addresses the service and financial obligations of all parties to the agreement and should be sent to Nassau OEM for approval. This form must be
- SAFER Grant Application: The selected candidate must complete this form each semester. Nassau OEM will guarantee all student scholarship funds are paid to NCC.
- Tracking Form-Sponsoring Agency: This Form shall be signed by the Sponsoring Agency Chief and used to monitor the student's volunteer service progress throughout the entire program and NFIRS reporting compliance.
- Tracking Form-College: NCC will forward a copy of each SAFER Grant student's academic transcripts to Nassau OEM at the conclusion of each semester for which SAFER Grant funds were distributed to the student. The transcript shall serve as the College Tracking Form to monitor the student's academic progress throughout the entire program.
- Collections: The Nassau County Attorney shall handle all collections for scholarship repayment if service and/or academic commitments are not met.
V. Scholarship Selection Criteria
The program is designed to create a true partnership arrangement between the Sponsoring Agency and the SAFER Grant student/volunteer and to create a system for success. To ensure the overall success of the student, it is imperative that each Sponsoring Agency and each SAFER Grant student/volunteer collaborate on a plan for achieving operational and educational success (balancing commitments at home, work, school and the Sponsoring Agency).
The objectives of the program include:
- Create an administrative process that maximizes the number of sponsoring agency's volunteers and provides for the reasonable successful outcome for the SAFER Grant student/volunteer, the Sponsoring Agency and NCC.
- Create a selection process that, should funding be limited at the time of selection, quantifies and qualifies the Sponsoring Agency's need for volunteers and verifies both Sponsoring Agency and NCC pre- qualifications have been met.
- Create a selection process that is objective yet flexible to meet the needs of program.
- Form a true partnership between the Sponsoring Agency and the SAFER Grant student/volunteer.
General Eligibility:
- A list of eligible Nassau County volunteer emergency service agencies is attached in Appendix 'A' of this procedural manual.
- As outlined in the process steps, the SAFER Grant candidate must not have exceeded a lifetime accumulated 80 credit hours or an Associates Degree from an accredited institution. In addition, the candidate also must meet local membership prerequisites and be accepted into the Sponsoring Agency prior to or concurrent with processing into the SAFER Grant program.
- The Sponsoring Agency Chairperson must forward the SAFER Grant nomination (in the form of a letter, stating active duty status and enrollment date) to Nassau County OEM. The candidate must indicate a major course of study and complete NCC's admissions process (including placement test) and be accepted for enrollment.
- The Sponsoring Agency will affirm on the commitment form and submit an Emergency Services Community Census each year to determine recruitment needs and eligibility.
- The Sponsoring Agency must participate in the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) by submitting current incident data to the NYS Office of Fire Prevention and Control and possessing an account with the New York State Fire Reporting System.
- Nassau County OEM will review (with all references to Candidate names deleted) all nominations and other forms to approve or decline scholarship eligibility.
- Being accepted into the membership of the Sponsoring Agency and/or being accepted for enrollment at NCC does not guarantee the student will be awarded a scholarship under the SAFER Grant program; satisfying these two criteria simply make them eligible for a scholarship.
Nassau County OEM has developed the following criteria for final scholarship selection:
- Individual Agency (i.e. Applications are reviewed to ensure that at least one volunteer application from each Agency represented in the application pool will be awarded).
- Intra-agency: (i.e. if, based upon the application pool, funding limits require applicants from the same Agency to compete with each other, the student/volunteer with the greatest need based upon the FAFSA Student Aid Report Estimated Family Contribution (SAR) will receive priority).
- Inter-agency: (i.e. if, based upon the application pool, funding limits require applicants from one Agency to compete with another, the student/volunteer with the greatest need based upon the FAFSA SAR) will receive priority.
Please Note, the candidate will be required to schedule an interview with Nassau County OEM to complete the application process. During the interview, the candidate must present the following documents:
- A copy of their SAFER Grant application
- Proof of residency (Copy of current driver’s license, Fire Department ID, current car registration, or most recent NYS tax return.)
- Letter of chief’s approval (Must be a currently dated letter, signed by your department’s chief, and on department letterhead.)
- Proof of SAR submission (Student Aid Report)
Special Considerations:
Preference may be given to candidates for whom matching funds are available from the respective Sponsoring Agency, municipality, fire district, legislative representative and/or corporate sponsors or any combination thereof. This program also provides an option empowering the Nassau County Legislature to grant special SAFER Grant scholarships as a recruiting incentive in those circumstances where an extraordinary need or concern for Public safety may indicate that they are appropriate.
Requirements for the Legislature to provide extraordinary grants under the SAFER Grant include:
- Clear and obvious need to increase volunteer enrollment for the Sponsoring Agency
- This need must be demonstrated in a letter to Nassau County OEM and the Nassau County OEM Commissioner to be submitted by the Chairperson and Chief of the Sponsoring Agency
- Prompt verification of the membership needs of the Sponsoring Agency will be made by the Nassau County Fire Marshal's Office and reported to the Nassau County OEM Commissioner
VI. Scholarship Renewal Criteria
SAFER Grant student/volunteers may be subject to discontinued enrollment at any time due to any and all limitations of funding. SAFER Grant recruits must maintain volunteer activity and training levels and certain academic objectives during their course of study. NCC and the Sponsoring Agency will use the SAFER Grant Commitment Letter and Tracking Form for verification that these objectives have been met. The Sponsoring Agency must affirm on the Agency Tracking form that current NFIRS reporting information has been submitted to the New York State OFPC. Following each semester the student/volunteer must submit a report of the grades achieved in that semester. Following the end of each semester, NCC must forward the transcript to Nassau County OEM to verify that the SAFER Grant student/volunteer has maintained acceptable academic standards during the preceding semester. The student/volunteer must provide Nassau County OEM with their Original Bill (photocopies are not accepted) within five (5) business days of receipt from NCC. Use of the SAFER Grant Agency Tracking Form will continue after the candidate has achieved their educational objectives to ensure that their service obligation has been satisfied.
VII. Service Obligation
Obligation During Enrollment at NCC:
SAFER Grant candidates must maintain acceptable volunteer activity and training levels and certain academic objectives during their course of study. Meeting these objectives will be verified by the Sponsoring Agency on the Agency Tracking Form and by NCC on the College Transcript Within fifteen (15) days following the end of each semester on a semester-by-semester basis.
Termination During Enrollment at NCC:
Failure to meet acceptable volunteer activity levels and/or a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher for any semester in which the student received funding from this scholarship program will immediately terminate the student from the SAFER Grant program and will relieve the candidate of any associated service obligations to the sponsoring agency. The student must, based upon a promissory note executed each semester, reimburse the County of Nassau for all SAFER Grant funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. The student will not receive any further SAFER Grant funds and no further confirmation letters will be issued. Complete withdrawal from NCC during a given semester will automatically terminate the student from the SAFER Grant program and will relieve the candidate of any associated service obligations to the Sponsoring Agency related to the semester withdrawn from. The student must then reimburse the County of Nassau for all scholarship funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. The student will not receive any further SAFER Grant funds and no further confirmation letters will be issued.
Continuing Education After Enrollment at NCC:
A SAFER Grant student/volunteer, who ends their time at NCC may for one-time only, choose to continue their full-time education. A SAFER Grant student will be permitted to defer service requirements if they attend a four year school as a non-commuter student and/or receive an agency leave for a period no more than September through May each year. Such a request must be submitted in writing to Nassau County OEM within six months of termination of attendance at NCC. If approved, the SAFER Grant student/volunteer must provide a copy of their schedule and report card for each semester. Such a deferment of service would be on a one time only basis, be continuous and conclude within 3 years of the date of approval. This approved deferment provision will in no way add or delete from the service obligation listed in this Administrative Guide. Failure to adhere to these conditions will result in the immediate restoration of service obligation requirements or the repayment of any outstanding balance due to Nassau County. Note: that a continuing education SAFER Grant student/volunteer can choose to remain an active member and begin the service obligation period immediately in accordance with this Administrative Guide.
Enlistment After Enrollment at NCC:
A SAFER Grant student/volunteer, who ends his/her time at NCC, may choose to enlist in the armed services. A SAFER Grant student will be permitted to defer service requirements during any period of ACTIVE DUTY. Such a request must be submitted in writing to Nassau County OEM within 15 days of the signing of an Enlistment Contract with a copy of their Department of Defense Form 4 (DD-4). If approved, the SAFER Grant student/volunteer must provide a copy of their Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) annually every June to verify continuous active duty status. Such a deferment would be continuous and would conclude upon change of status to inactive duty or separation from the armed services. This approved deferment provision will in no way add or delete from the service obligation listed in this Administrative Guide. Failure to adhere to these conditions will result in the immediate restoration of service obligation requirements or the repayment of any outstanding balance due to Nassau County. Note: An enlisted SAFER Grant student/volunteer can choose to remain an active member and begin the service obligation period at any point while on extended leave or inactive status from the armed services in accordance with this Administrative Guide. No provision for termination appeal, grace periods or reinstatement exists under these guidelines.
Post Education Obligation |
Forty-Six (46) to Eighty (80) credit hours | Five (5) years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds. |
Thirty-One (31) to Forty-Five (45) credit hours | Four (4) years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds. |
Sixteen (16) to Thirty (30) credit hours | Three (3) years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds. |
One (1) to Fifteen (15) credit hours | Two (2) years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds. |
Note: Service obligations are required regardless of associate degree attainment
VIII. Financial Obligation
Obligation During Enrollment at NCC:
SAFER Grant scholarship holders must maintain acceptable volunteer activity and training levels and certain academic objectives during their course of study. The objectives will be verified by the Sponsoring Agency by use of the Agency Tracking and College Tracking Forms on a semester-by-semester (non-cumulative) basis. Meeting these objectives will result in Nassau County's fulfillment of the student's scholarship award commitment for that semester.
Termination During Enrollment at NCC:
- Failure to meet acceptable volunteer activity levels and/or a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher for any semester in which the student received funding from this scholarship program will immediately terminate the student from the SAFER Grant program and will relieve the candidate of any associated subsequent service obligations to the sponsoring agency. The student must then reimburse the County of Nassau for all scholarship funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. They will not receive any further SAFER Grant funds and no confirmation letters be issued.
- Complete withdrawal from NCC during a given semester will automatically terminate the student from the SAFER Grant program and will relieve the candidate of any associated subsequent service obligations to the Sponsoring Agency related to the semester withdrawn from. The student must then reimburse the County of Nassau all scholarship funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. They will not receive any further SERVES funds and no further confirmation letters will be issued.
- No provision for termination appeal, grace periods or reinstatement exists under these guidelines.
Post Education Termination:
- At any time following the completion of a student's educational objectives and during their service obligation period a student may be immediately terminated from the SAFER Grant program for the following reasons:
- Failure to meet acceptable volunteer activity levels as determined by the Sponsoring Agency
- Changing their membership classification in the Sponsoring Agency from active to inactive status
- Quitting or otherwise forfeiting membership in the Sponsoring Agency
- Termination or expulsion from membership in the Sponsoring Agency
- If a SAFER Grant student is terminated due to any of the conditions listed above, they must then reimburse the County of Nassau for all scholarship funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. No provision for termination appeal, grace periods or reinstatement exists under these guidelines.
- Under special circumstances, the reimbursement of SAFER Grant scholarship funds by the student may be pro-rated according to the following schedule:
Termination |
Reimbursement |
During NCC enrollment | Full reimbursement of all Scholarship funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. |
Within one year following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds equivalent to the cost of tuition for 80 credit hours. | Full reimbursement of all scholarship funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. |
One year following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds equivalent to the cost of tuition for eight credit hours (80) semesters or following the attainment of an associate degree-but less than two years. | Reimbursement of 4/5 of all scholarship funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. |
Two years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds equivalent to the cost of tuition for eighty (80) credit hours or following the attainment of an associate degree-but less than three years. | Reimbursement of 3/5 of all scholarship funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. |
Three years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds equivalent to the cost of tuition for eighty (80) credit hours or following the attainment of an associate degree-but less than four years. | Reimbursement of 2/5 of all scholarship funds received for al semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. |
12 Four years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds equivalent to the cost of tuition for eighty (80) credit hours or following the attainment of an associate degree-but less than five years. | Reimbursement of 1/5 of all scholarship funds received for all semesters attended to date under the SAFER Grant program. |
Special Considerations:
Under exceptional circumstances, and with good cause provided in writing by the student, the Nassau County OEM Commissioner may grant approval for a one (1) time only break in studies for a maximum period of one (1) semester. During this period, the student must continue to meet all agency responsibilities and submit documentation via the Agency Tracking Form for that semester.
Should a SAFER Grant student apply for permanent disability status either in the enrollment or post-enrollment period of program participation, upon service via certified or overnight mail, of a copy of the completed New York State Office of Temporary and Disability (NYSOTDA) Assistance application and supporting documentation upon the Nassau County Office of Emergency Management (OEM), a six month deferment pending a final decision by the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, Division of Disability Determinations shall be granted.
If a permanent disability is determined, all current service requirements or outstanding balances due to Nassau County shall no longer be an obligation of the SAFER Grant student. It shall be the responsibility of the SAFER Grant student, within twenty (20) days of the receipt of the final decision to serve, upon the Nassau County Office of Emergency Management, via certified or overnight mail, a copy of the NYSOTDA final decision. Failure to provide a copy of the final NYSOTDA decision within twenty (20) days of the receipt of the decision may, absent good cause; result in a denial of the application. Under exceptional circumstances, and with good cause shown, Nassau County OEM and the OEM Commissioner may request the approval of the Nassau County Legislature of a waiver of partial or full reimbursement of all scholarship funds received to date due to a negative termination from the scholarship program. This empowerment may be enacted only where extraordinary circumstances exist preventing the student from fulfilling their reimbursement obligation under this program.
Requirements for the reimbursement waiver under the SAFER Grant include:
- This extraordinary circumstance must be demonstrated in a letter to the Nassau County Office of Emergency Management and the Nassau OEM Commissioner to be submitted by the student and/or their parent/guardian.
- This extraordinary circumstance must be supported in a letter to the Nassau County Office of Emergency Management and the OEM Commissioner to be submitted by the Chief and Chairperson of the Sponsoring Agency.
- The Nassau County Office of Emergency Management shall review this circumstance and a recommendation shall be made to the Nassau OEM Commissioner who shall make the final recommendation to the Legislature for a decision.
- Student must appeal to Nassau Community College Refund Committee. See page () for appeal procedure. Under certain hardships, the student may request a discharge of liability
- Under exceptional circumstances the Nassau County Office of Emergency Management and the OEM Commissioner reserve the right to discontinue funding for cause. If such a decision is made they shall notify the student in writing at least thirty days (30) prior to the start of the next semester.
The student who has not completed their studies will then be obligated to their Sponsoring Agency as follows:
FundingReceipt of total SAFER Grant funds equivalent to the cost of: |
Obligation |
Forty-Six (46) to Eighty (80) credit hours | Five (5) years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds |
Thirty-One (31) to Forty-Five (45) credit hours | Three (3) years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds |
Sixteen (16) to Thirty (30) credit hours | Two (2) years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds |
One (1) to Fifteen (15) credit hours | Two (2) years following the receipt of total SAFER Grant funds |
IX. Notification
- Within fifteen (15) days following the end of a semester, the student/volunteer must notify Nassau OEM and the Sponsoring Agency that they have satisfied all of their part or full time educational objectives and wish to discontinue their SAFER Grant scholarship and begin fulfillment of their service obligation.
- Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of this notice, the student volunteer must forward an updated Agency Tracking Form to Nassau County OEM indicating the same.
- If a student is terminated from Sponsoring Agency membership the Sponsoring Agency Chief must forward an updated Tracking Form to Nassau County OEM indicating the same.
- Once the student has made notification that they have satisfied their part or full time educational objectives, they will not receive any further SAFER Grant funds and no further confirmation letters will be issued.
Special Considerations:
SAFER Grant recruits may terminate their membership with the Sponsoring Agency and make membership application to another eligible Nassau County emergency services agency for the purpose of satisfying their service obligation. A grace period of ninety days (90) days will be allowed between the terminations of one membership and the start of another.
X. Program Monitoring
The student and the Sponsoring Agency Chief will monitor the student's volunteer service progress on a semester-by-semester (non-cumulative) basis throughout the entire program. The student and NCC will monitor the student's educational progress on a semester-by-semester (non cumulative) basis throughout the entire program. Nassau OEM will act as the clearinghouse for all inquiries and documentation regarding the SAFER Grant program and its participants, and to monitor the student's educational and volunteer service progress on a semester-by-semester (non-cumulative) basis throughout the entire program. At the end of a student's participation in the SAFER Grant program, Nassau County OEM will issue a letter of confirmation to the student, Sponsoring Agency, and NCC upon receipt of all appropriate documentation indicating that all academic and volunteer service obligations have been met.
Appendix "A" – Eligible Emergency Services Agencies
Department |
Phone |
Albertson Fire Department | (516) 248-7182 |
Baldwin Fire Department | (516) 223-6858 |
Bayville Fire Department | (516) 628-1922 |
Bellerose Terrace Fire Department | (516) 354-8419 |
Bellerose Village Fire Department | (516) 358-2960 |
Bellmore Fire Department | (516) 781-2384 |
Bethpage Fire Department | (516) 931-2660 |
Carle Place Fire Department | (516) 334-8888 |
East Meadow Fire Department | (516) 542-0578 |
East Norwich Fire Department | (516) 922-0263 |
East Rockaway Fire Department | (516) 887-6340 |
East Williston Fire Department | (516) 248-7566 |
Elmont Fire Department | (516) 354-4560 |
Farmingdale Fire Department | (516) 531- 9820 |
Floral Park Centre Fire Department | (516) 775-4127 |
Floral Park Fire Department | (516) 326-6328 |
Franklin Square & Munson Fire Department | (516) 354- 2110 |
Freeport Fire Department | (516) 377-2190 |
Garden City Fire Department | (516) 746-1301 |
Garden City Park Fire Department | (516) 741-2718 |
Glen Cove Fire Department | (516) 676-0366 |
Glenwood Fire Department | (516) 671-6166 |
Great Neck Alert Fire Department | (516) 487-1057 |
Great Neck Vigilant Fire Department | (516) 487-1086 |
Hempstead Fire Department | (516) 478-6357 |
Hewlett Fire Department | (516) 374-9801 |
Hicksville Fire Department | (516) 933-6444 |
Inwood Fire Department | (516) 239-3057 |
Island Park Fire Department | (516) 432-0738 |
Jericho Fire Department | (516) 391-3546 |
Lakeview Fire Department | (516) 766-9869 |
Lawrence-Cedarhurst Fire Department | (516) 569-0042 |
Levittown Fire Department | (516) 731-5800 |
Locust Valley Fire Department | (516) 676-0560 |
Long Beach Fire Department | (516) 431-2434 |
Lynbrook Fire Department | (516) 599-1547 |
Malverne Fire Department | (516) 599-8281 |
Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department | (516) 466-4435 |
Massapequa Fire Department | (516) 798-2233 |
Meadowmere Park Fire Department | (516) 239-3088 |
Merrick Fire Department | (516) 223-1501 |
Mineola Fire Department | (516) 747-5860 |
New Hyde Park Fire Department | (516) 437-5541 |
North Bellmore Fire Department | (516) 409-4700 |
North Massapequa Fire Department | (516) 579-0900 |
North Merrick Fire Department | (516) 223-4102 |
Oceanside Fire Department | (516) 766-2717 |
Oyster Bay Atlantic St. Fire Department | (516) 922-5414 |
Oyster Bay Co. #1 Fire Department | (516) 922-1226 |
Plainview Fire Department | (516) 938-9601 |
Plandome Fire Department | (516) 627-1085 |
Point Lookout Fire Department | (516) 432-6636 |
Port Washington Fire Department | (516) 883-2200 |
Rockville Centre Fire Department | (516) 678-9320 |
Roosevelt Fire Department | (516) 378-3066 |
Roslyn Highlands Fire Department | (516) 621-7539 |
Roslyn Rescue Fire Department | (516) 621-3899 |
Sea Cliff Fire Department | (516) 671-1690 |
Seaford Fire Department | (516) 679-2623 |
South Farmingdale Fire Department | (516) 249-8855 |
South Floral Park Fire Department | (516) 354-7833 |
South Hempstead Fire Department | (516) 565-1835 |
Stewart Manor Fire Department | (516) 354-0880 |
Syosset Fire Department | (516) 921-0728 |
Uniondale Fire Department | (516) 481- 8808 |
Valley Stream Fire Department | (516) 825-9225 |
Wantagh Fire Department | (516) 785-0180 |
West Hempstead Fire Department | (516) 486-8846 |
Westbury Fire Department | (516) 334-7968 |
Williston Park Fire Department | (516) 742- 8535 |
Woodmere Fire Department | (516) 375-2105 |
Appendix "B" –Refund Committee Appeal Procedure
Nassau Community College has established the Refund Committee that is authorized to make recommendations to the College President concerning written appeals from students who believe their circumstances are a justifiable exception to the College Refund Policy. In order to file an appeal the following must be submitted:
- A letter from the student stating the reason for the appeal and requesting a refund or discharge of liability.
- Please include the date, Student's college identification number, the last date you attended class and remember to sign your fetter. In addition, list the courses you are requesting a refund for, as well as, the semester and year. All such requests must be submitted within ONE YEAR of the end of the term in question.
- Medical reasons will require an original note from your doctor on stationary, stating you were under his/her care during the time of your absence, the nature of your illness, including the facts that prohibited you from completing the requirements of the courses. This letter CANNOT be faxed and must be mailed directly from your doctor's office to Nassau Community College. See address below.
- Personal reasons will require supporting documentation, i.e., court papers, death certificate, etc.
- Any additional documentation that you feel will support your case.
- If you are appealing for the current semester you must officially drop your classes at the Registrar's Office. If the request is for a prior semester, you must give Nassau Community College written permission to drop the classes.
- If you received financial aid from New York State Higher Education, any funds received which were not applied to tuition and fees, must be repaid by sending a certified check or money order payable to Nassau Community College. Payment will be held in escrow by the Student Financial Affairs office pending the decision rendered by the President's Refund Committee. If the Refund Committee finds in favor of your request, your remittance will be returned to New York State Higher Education, along with any portion of aid, which was used to credit your tuition and fees account. If the Refund Committee does not approve your request, your remittance will be returned to you.
- All outstanding balances for prior semesters must be paid in full prior to submitting your appeal. In addition, if any College department has placed a hold on your account, the hold must be cleared directly with that department.
All communications will be provided in writing in order to respect the confidentiality of each student. Send all petitions and inquiries to the following address: