Nassau County, NY

Language Access Complaint Form

New York State’s language access policy requires certain public-facing agencies to offer interpretation services in any language and to translate important documents into at least the top twelve most common non-English languages in the state. If you have had trouble with our agency’s language access services, you may complete and submit this complaint form using the contact information provided above. All personal information in your complaint will be kept confidential.

Complainant Information
Please note, if you do not provide any contact information, we will not be able to inform you of the steps we are taking to respond to your complaint.
What was the problem? *
Check all the boxes that apply and explain below.
When did this incident happen?
If it happened more than once, indicate the date of the most recent incident.
Be specific and provide as much detail as possible. If it happened more than once, include each date/time and describe each incident. List any services and documents you were trying to access. Include names, addresses, and phone numbers of people involved, if known.
Please be specific.
All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required